Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It is Hump Day! Prepare for Manfred!

Manfred is my Maine Coon, sired by an unknown Maine Coon and mothered by Tirion (asimple brown tabby with more sass in her pinkie toe than anyone I know!).  For years Manfred has suffered from mats in his fur.  I have suffered for trying to comb them out.  The gentle giant becomes quite ferocious when I try and comb around his hips.  His large size and breed make his hips sore most of the time and grooming isn't the easiest for him.  I decided enough was enough.  I had him taken to the vet and transformed from grizzly bear... to MANFRED, LION KING!!

BEHOLD!  Manfred in all his glory!

They even groomed the tip of his tail into a perfect paint brush.

Ok.. he is starting to get annoyed with me following him around with the camera.  LOOK AT HIS BOOTS!

This is Manny before the cut:
Demonic, no?

Yes... I can tell you have already fallen prey to his cuteness.

Now I will give you an example of his many, many names.  Manfred, Manny, Mindingo, Mandingus, Mr. Man, Manfred J. (when he is in trouble), Mannius, and Fred.  He has more but... I should get back to work.
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