Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jizz by BleachBlack

So...  Jizz is the new colour.  Some of you might be familiar with "Dickweed", it's a very beautiful rich dark green... shimmer I think.  I don't know I still need to get it to make a good observation.

"Jizz is the newest nail paint from Kristin at BLEACHBLACK -- one of our favorites. It’s a pearly/shiny white that was inspired by her own hair color." - LOL... riiiight.

If you're interested in buying it, it's available at

What are your thoughts on this?

I for one cannot help but smirk as I imagine myself gently swishing jizz in the bottle and brushing it on my fingers.  (Yeah... not very mature this morning, sorry.)
While reading the comments to this post this came into my head:
WARNING: NOT SAFE FOR WORK!! Well... they only really say "Jizz"... but if someone hears it they might get upset.  And Rebecca mentioned the song before I could press "Publish".  So, enjoy!

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